If you are looking for a Phallosan Forte discount, look for this here!
If you are feeling less than confident about the length of your penis, it’s time to do something about it!
Using Phallosan Forte is a safe way to increase your penis size without having to resort to potentially risky surgery. It has been successfully used by hundreds of men from all over the world to increase their self-confidence by boosting their manhood.
Penis extenders have become a popular method of increasing the girth and length of your member since this technique is the only one that has been shown to work compared with other products such as pills (1, 2).
According to Oderda and Gontero (2011), who published a research paper on non-invasive methods of penile lengthening:
“… penile extenders represent the only evidence-based technique of penile elongation. Results achieved do not seem to be inferior to surgery, making these traction devices an ideal first-line treatment option for patients seeking a penile lengthening procedure (3)”.
Why use the Phallosan Forte over other penis extenders?
Here are some of the benefits:
- It acts gently to extend the size of your penis painlessly
- It is comfortable enough to be worn for as long as you need to get the results you want. You can even wear it overnight while you sleep
- You can wear it under your clothes and no one will notice
How to Use
The Phallosan Forte uses an orthopedic elongation system to increase the size of your penis. It is based on the principle that stretching the tissue of the entire penis promotes the reformation of its cells. The is results in a permanent increase in its length and girth.
This technique was inspired by the methods that orthopedists use in leg extension following the surgical trans-section of the leg bone.
A threaded device is used to gradually stretch the leg by millimeters until the desired length is achieved.
This method has been shown not only to promote the growth of new bone cells but also create muscle and other connective tissue without the risk of nerve and blood vessel damage.
In addition, since it helps to increase the circulation of blood in your penis, you also enjoy harder and firmer erections.
The device works by encasing your penis in a suction bell that has an airtight sleeve attached.
You use the valve on top to gradually create a vacuum and apply pressure to your penis using the suction pump. The pressure is gradually increased until the desired results are achieved.
In order to increase the effectiveness of the Phallosan, a stretch belt is attached to the device that not only exerts an additional pulling force but also helps make the device inconspicuous while you’re wearing it under your clothes.
To ensure that there are no allergic reactions, the bell is made with medical-grade silicone.
This is in contrast with other competing devices that use Latex, a substance that can cause skin rashes and other breakouts with prolonged contact. The silicone used in the device, on the other hand, has been shown to be non-allergenic.
While the device is safe to use, it is important that you read the instructions carefully and use the penis extender as instructed.
Improper use may result in injury to the penis.
Precautions for use include:
Do not use too much tension. Since the device is comfortable to use, there is a temptation to increase the tension beyond recommended levels in the hope of getting faster results.
Keep in mind that the results are achieved through regular use over time and are not dependent on the amount of tension applied.
In particular, you should not use too much tension during the first week of use, since you have to give the penis time to adjust to the device.
Always use the protector cap. This cap is intended to protect the glans by preventing them from swelling in case there is too much tension.
Once the cap is on, your penis may feel a slight pressure but this is normal and indicates that you are using it correctly.
If for whatever reason, you choose not to use the protector cap, you should reduce the tension to avoid reddening of the glans.
If this should still happen, the reason may be that you are wearing the stretch belt too tight, which causes an excess pull.
Blisters may form, which can be treated by applying a healing ointment for two days. While the blisters are being treated, you should not use the device.
You can download the latest manuals and documentation from the site if you need them. The link can be found at the bottom of the page.
Phallosan Forte also has medical uses since it can correct medical conditions relating to the penis. For instance, the device can be used to treat an innate incurvate penis, better known as penis deviation.
While all penises have a slight curvature, the curvature of men who suffer from penis deviation is so severe that it not only looks unsightly but also affects the proper functioning of the penis.
Normally, the only way to cure this condition is through surgery. But cosmetic surgeons do not recommend that patients have this done since it carries many risks such as damage to its sensitive structures.
In addition, there is the risk that the surgery will end up shortening the penis by several centimeters.
Phallosan Forte offers a non-surgical alternative since the stretching provided by the device gradually straightens penis curvature to make it more aesthetically attractive.
Some of the other uses include:
Postoperative treatment following prostate surgery.
Following a surgery to treat prostate cancer, the penis can have difficulty achieving spontaneous erections.
But without this regular stimulation, the blood circulation in the penis may be affected, resulting in the connective tissue becoming non-elastic.
This means that the penis may eventually become erect only with great difficulty, and the patient may require medical aids such as Viagra.
The device can help users achieve erections, thus ensuring that regular circulation is maintained and the normal functioning of the penis is restored.
Treatment for retractor penis.
Men who are obese or overweight often have a small penis due to the heavy layer of subcutaneous fat in their bellies.
The penis has trouble extending beyond this belly fat and may even retract. This is a serious medical condition that can only be treated by the patient undergoing severe weight loss.
If this is not possible, the patient can use the device to extend the length of the penis outward beyond the fat. This will restore the normal functioning of the penis.
Supporting therapy following paraplegia.
After the loss of function of the lower half of the body, the penis slowly retracts into the pelvis.
This condition is caused by the loss of the nerve endings in the area after the spinal cord is severed.
Thus, the nerves in the testicles can no longer communicate with the brain and associated glands such as the pituitary, pelvic lymph nodes and prostate can no longer function properly.
This not only results in the penis suffering a loss of functionality, making the patient unable to properly piss and eventually requiring a catheter to empty the bladder but also means the penis cannot function sexually.
This condition can be treated using the Phallosan Forte to apply traction to the penis, in order to avoid retraction.
In addition, by creating erections in the penis, the proper circulation of the blood is restored, thus avoiding further loss of functionality and ensuring that the penis retains its natural size.
Subjective penis hypoplasia.
This is a psychological condition in which a man has an average or slightly below average penis size but feels that his length is inadequate.
In particular, they become obsessed with the size of their penis when it is flaccid. The condition can be caused by too much exposure to pornographic movies in which the men are always unnaturally well endowed.
As a result, the man feels self-conscious about his size, and this can affect his sexual and social life.
The Phallosan Forte can help the man deal with this psychosexual disorder in a safe and positive way. The penis extender will provide him with the gains he needs to make him feel adequate.
At the same time, however, it is highly recommended that the man seek counseling in order to deal with his psychological issues.
Loss of erectile function due to diabetes.
Many middle-aged men who have developed diabetes mellitus will eventually suffer from restrictions in their sexual life due to erectile dysfunction.
This is because diabetes causes circulatory problems, which makes it harder to have erections. Positive results can be seen after just a few days of wearing the device.
Phallosan Forte addresses this problem by improving blood circulation to the penis, increasing the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the small blood vessels and helping to alleviate the damage caused by diabetes.
Erectile dysfunction.
This is a very common complaint among men, and it is one that can greatly affect the quality of their sexual life.
Even if they have a very understanding partner, erectile dysfunction can make them feel inadequate and eventually cause them to withdraw from their relationship.
There are many causes behind this condition, which can be a combination of physical and psychological factors.
The sufferer should ideally consult a physician since it may be a symptom of a more serious underlying medical condition.
But if there are no serious medical problems, using this device can help alleviate the dysfunction and restore your ability to gain normal erections.
If used properly and consistently you may even enjoy harder and firmer erections than what you previously were able to achieve.
To help produce the best results, there is an app available for Android and iOS that helps you create a personalized training plan.
It creates a training schedule, records how frequently you use the device and how long you have been using it. In addition, you can record your progress and measure it by generating statistics.
In addition, the app also provides you with training techniques and tips as well as contact numbers in case you need help, and the latest news and deals.
Phallosan Forte Pros & Cons
- It acts gently on the penis. Unlike other penis extender devices, Phallosan Forte exerts pressure gently in order to avoid pain and soreness of the penis, particularly after extended use.
- It can be worn for long periods due to the protector cap. The cap is made of ultra-soft silicone, which means that even if you wear it overnight, you will not feel sore. In fact, after a few days, you may even find yourself forgetting that you are wearing the device.
- It is inconspicuous enough to be worn under your clothes. Since you need to wear the device for long periods of time in order to get the best results, this is an important benefit. The strap-on belt moves your penis to one side so that there is no unsightly bulge on your pants while applying additional stretching to maximize your results.
- It fits all sizes. The bell is available in three sizes, S, M, and L. But it is recommended that you buy a larger size in order to provide more room to accommodate the increased size of your glans.
- Its results have been confirmed by a clinical study. A German urological clinic performed the study in 2005, with participants including those who suffered from a small penis, had induratio penis plastica and had recently undergone prostate surgery. The results showed that all the patients enjoyed gains from wearing the device, with those who wore the device for ten hours a day enjoying the greatest gains. In addition, many reported that they enjoyed increased sensitivity during lovemaking as well as harder erections and they had reduced incidence of premature ejaculation. The study was published in “The Journal of Sexual Medicine” in the year 2006.
- It does not provide “extreme” results. Those men with an average penis size who are expecting to see their members become as gigantic as those sported by actors in a pornographic movie should temper their expectations. A study of men who used Phallosan Forte found that they enjoyed increases of almost two inches in their erect penises and almost one inch in their girth. While these are more than satisfactory results, unless you started out big in the first place, you will not get the kind of huge penises you commonly see in pornos.
- It takes time before you can see substantial results. Although you can already enjoy some improvement after using it for a short time, you will only see the most significant results after three to six months.
- It is more expensive than comparable models and has no money back guarantee. However, the higher price is worth it for the improved results you’re enjoying.
Package Contents
The Phallosan Forte kit includes:
- Three suction bells with sizes S, M and L with the accompanying sleeve and pre-assembled tension clip
- Protector gap to ensure the glans are not hurt due to excessive tension
- Tension clip to adjust the strength of the tension along with an adapter for the stretch belt
- Orthopedic stretch belt with a foam-rubber ring and adjustable buckle. The belt is worn around the waist with the penis inserted in the ring
- Suction ball with a valve that has three settings
- Measuring template
- Instructions
- Discreet Shipping and Delivery
The device is delivered in a plain wrapper with no indication of the contents. The remittance order also shows no intended purpose since the account was exclusively opened for this product.
Guarantee and Warranty
You can return the product on a no-questions-asked basis within two weeks, provided that the inner packaging is not opened.
The product is sealed with an outer packaging and an inner transparent wrapping.
The inner wrapping allows you to inspect the contents without opening it. If it is opened, then a refund will not be given for hygienic reasons.
The deadline starts when the buyer receives the device and you can return the product at any time during this period.
There is a two-year service warranty on all parts excluding the protector cap and sleeves.
Where to Buy Phallosan Forte
You can only order genuine Phallosan Forte directly from the official website.
Every order comes with four spare sleeves in various sizes that are worth over US$100. In addition, you can also order spare parts such as protector caps and sleeves.
Allowable payment methods include AMEX, Visa and MasterCard credit cards, PayPal and wire transfers.
Best Phallosan Forte Discount
At present, you can get (via the official website only):
- 4 free sleeve-condoms in each Phallosan Forte package (1 S, 2 M, 1 L) valued at more than more than 100 Euros
- PHALLOSAN forte App for free
Latest Phallosan Forte Deal – Click Here
After using Phallosan Forte for several months, I can say that it is genuinely one of the best penis extenders in the market.
Personally, for me, it is the best for several reasons.
One is that it is the most comfortable to wear. Since you will have to wear it for extended periods of time, this is a very important consideration. It is definitely more comfortable than others that I have tried.
It is also convenient. Unlike another penis extender product that requires you to use water for best results, you can just put this device on anytime you want. And once you have gotten used to it, you can strap it on very quickly.
Another highlight of the product worth pointing out is the app. The app is very convenient in helping you to measure your progress and see if you are getting the results you want.
One observation that I have is that when I stopped using other penis extenders for at least a week, the gains tend to recede.
On the other hand, with the Phallosan Forte, any gains only fell by a small amount. This highlights the effectiveness of the method used in this device.
Thus, I have to say that as someone who has used other penis extenders, I highly recommend the Phallosan Forte. Remember that the Phallosan Forte discount is only available for a limited-time. So hurray, and get it!